The Icing On The Cake

電話號碼: 08 92950887
詳細地址: 605 Stevens St
市鎮: Mundaring
州區: WA - 西澳洲
郵政代碼: 6073
在線地圖: 查看大圖
網站分類: Wedding Cakes
AL No.LK29717-4011-40
Professionally trained, Leonora Gregory is the Principal Designer for The Icing on the Cake. Leonora has been creating sophisticated and individually designed sumptuous cakes in Traditional, Modern, Novelty and Theme styles, for Weddings, Corporate Gifts, Anniversaries, Christenings, Birthdays and Christmas Cakes for more than 39 years.

Her creations are a work of art. The design ideas are creative, bold in grandeur and structure, yet elegant and beautiful.
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